ENGL 382-001

ENGL 382-001

Theory: Anti-/De-/Post-Colonization [NEW COURSE!]
Dallas Hunt
Term 2
MWF, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM


In this course we will consider the intersections between critical theory and Indigenous Studies. To do so, we will read and discuss a selection of diverse literary and cultural texts that engage with both critical theory and Indigenous thought and practice in nuanced and creative ways, from short stories and poetry, to films and art installations. This will include examinations of historical and contemporary texts, tensions, and dialogues, which is intended to foster an understanding of the broader social, political, and historical contexts from which these critical and theoretical productions emerge. We will investigate not only engagements between Indigenous and Western thought, but also between Indigenous and other non-western thinkers, including from the traditions of Black Studies and other anti-colonial traditions of critical analysis.