On Tuesday March 7, at 4 pm, we invite you to celebrate the life and work of Dr. Y-Dang Troeung, whose generosity and sharpness of mind made her a treasured colleague and friend across the UBC community.
Dr. Y-Dang Troeung was a brilliant and resounding scholar in critical refugee studies, transnational Asian literatures, transpacific Cold War studies, and critical disability studies. At the core of Dr. Troeung’s work was a fierce commitment to the lived experiences of refugee communities, and, in her words, to “excavating and animating the subjugated knowledges of Cambodian people and Cambodian refugees.” Her first academic monograph, Refugee Lifeworlds: The Afterlife of the Cold War in Cambodia (Temple University Press), was published in August 2022. It beautifully weaves familial and personal narratives with rigorous critique in order to examine the afterlife of the Cold War in Cambodia.

This celebration of life will feature two panel discussions on Refugee Lifeworlds and announcements about her forthcoming publications. Copies of Refugee Lifeworlds will be available for in-person purchase throughout the event. This event can be attended in-person or virtually via Zoom.
Y-Dang and her work have touched so many of us in transformative ways. We encourage you to celebrate Y-Dang with us by leaving a message or sharing a memory using the link below. Your message will be shared privately with Y-Dang’s family and may be shared in a public tribute.
If you choose to join us in-person, please note masks are welcome and encouraged as per UBC recommendations.
This event is organized by the Department of English Language & Literatures and the Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies Program, and co-sponsored by the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice, Canadian Literature, Public Humanities Hub, St. John’s College UBC, and the Faculty of Arts.
Vinh Nguyen
Cathy J. Schlund-Vials
Danielle Wong
David Chariandy
Christopher B. Patterson
Madeleine Thien
Christine Kim
Christopher Lee