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Visiting Scholars

The Department of English Language and Literatures welcomes visiting scholars who wish to pursue research for a maximum of one year at the University of British Columbia. Anyone interested in applying for visiting status should apply in writing to the Head of the Department.

Because space and other resources are very limited, we can host only two internal visiting scholars at any given time. Internal visiting scholars will receive library access, shared office space, and a departmental mailbox. Moreover, internal visiting scholars will be included in the department’s intellectual and social activities.

In addition, the department is willing to host up to three external visiting scholars. These will be provided with library access only (library access includes limited access to computers). They will, however, be informed of the department’s intellectual activities.

(to be submitted by mail; only hard copy accepted)

  • curriculum vitae.
  • A coherent description of the research plans, and, if possible, the name of a professor at the Department of English Language and Literatures whom the applicant would like to consult. (Candidates are strongly advised to obtain the written consent of the possible supervisor in advance of applying.)
  • Proof of academic appointment and a letter of reference from the applicant’s Head of Department.
  • Proof of financial support for the duration of the applicant’s visit to UBC. (We realize that at times financial support will be granted only once the Department of English Language and Literatures has invited the applicant to stay at UBC. In that case, proof of financial support can be submitted later. Please note, however, that such proof is essential for an applicant to be accepted as visiting scholar).
  • Names and contact information for 2 referees.

Please note: Visiting scholar positions are not intended as a substitute for formal graduate study. Strong preference will be given to applicants who have already earned a PhD degree.

Applications should be sent to the attention of

Alice Te Punga Somerville, Head
Department of English Language and Literatures
University of British Columbia
Buchanan Tower, Room 397
1873 East Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1

Applications will be considered in December of each year for the following academic year. Each applicant must clearly state the dates and duration of the desired visit to UBC.

Information regarding on-campus accommodation is available from the main UBC WebsiteGreen College, and Saint John’s College. General information about UBC is available at

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