Dear UBC English Language & Literatures Class of 2024,
Congratulations on closing this chapter of your academic journey!
All of those words read, written, rewritten, spoken, heard, and thought… all of those long days, late nights, big decisions, sacrifices and hard work… together they have added up to this!
The study of language and literature cultivates an ability to think critically from different perspectives, and to consider the world as stories told by different voices. It has taught us to leave no page unturned, to search for traces of what has been left unsaid between the lines, and to see, recognize, and evaluate what is important to us.
Your studies here on Musqueam territory have cultivated a deliberate and measured slowness in a world that spins at a frenzying pace. You have had the opportunity to connect with beautiful, strong, radical, stunning creative and critical achievements of a wide range of thinkers. You have learned to take time, to reflect, to engage in meaningful conversations in person and on the page. You have worked alongside fellow students who come from a vast range of backgrounds, each with their own experiences, questions, strengths and priorities. You have learned that there is always more than one argument that can be made, and you have learned to make your own.
Holding a degree from UBC is an achievement but also a privilege. Use your privilege wisely and with confidence: speak up, ask questions, seek clarification, and listen carefully. As you cross the Chan Centre stage, know that your words and actions can change the world for the better.
On behalf of the faculty and staff of the Department of English Language & Literatures, congratulations, Class of 2024!
Alice Te Punga Somerville (Te Āti Awa, Taranaki)
Professor and Department Head
UBC Department of English Language & Literatures