Courtesy of J. Logan Smilges. Text reads: 'navigating hell; or, the academic job market.' 'Hell' is formatted with strikethrough.
So you’re done (or nearly will be) with grad school. Now what?
This fall, join Dr. J. Logan Smilges for a series of events intended to help EL&L PhD students prepare for the academic job market, no matter how daunting and precarious it can be. Whether you are on the job market this year or wanting to learn about what’s ahead, if you’re an EL&L PhD student, you are invited!
At the initial information session on October 23, we will cover the range of academic jobs you might consider applying for, the application materials you should expect to submit, and the stages of the interview process to which you can look forward.
Mark your calendars for all three events outlined below, and be sure to RSVP to let us know you’ll be joining us.
Please contact Dr. Logan Smilges (logan.smilges@ubc.ca) if you have questions.
23 October: General Information Session
12:00 – 1:30 pm PT
Buchanan Tower 323 & Zoom (link in registration)
06 November: Cover Letter Workshop
12:00 – 1:30 pm PT
Buchanan Tower 323 & Zoom (link in registration)
20 November: Interview Practice
Time TBD
Buchanan Tower 323 & Zoom