ENGL 321-003: English Grammar and Usage – Leslie Arnovick

English Grammar and Usage
Term 2
M, 2:00-3:00 p.m.; W, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

This course presents a traditional grammatical description of Present-day English. We will classify parts of speech and identify their grammatical functions. We will analyze the noun phrase and the verb phrase, observing how modification works in English. Finally, we will describe the clausal processes of coordination and subordination. Throughout,we will consider the nature and usefulness of prescriptive rules of grammar, especially with regard to eighteenth-century goals for standardization.


  • Berk, Lynn. 1999. English Syntax: From Word to Discourse. Oxford University Press.
  • Friend, Jewel A. 1974.Traditional Grammar. Southern Illinois University Press. UBC Bookstore Text Packet.
  • Oxford Canadian Dictionary. 2001. Edited by Katherine Barber. Oxford University Press.