ENGL 364A-002: The City in Nineteenth-Century British Literature – Deanna Kreisel

Nineteenth-Century Studies
Term 1
MWF, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

In this course we will read, discuss, analyze, and write about nineteenth-century British literature depicting cities and urban spaces. We will also read theoretical texts (both older and modern) that think through the meaning and symbolic significance of these spaces.  What does the city symbolize for nineteenth-century British culture? What kinds of utopian hope does it mobilize?  How does the traditional “country-versus-city” dichotomy organize ways of thinking about the possibilities of human life? What were the impacts of rapid urbanization and industrialization on British culture?  How were these impacts experienced differently by different populations: women, children, marginalized “others,” the poor? How did the authors of imaginative literature respond to and shape these fundamental questions? The course texts will be organized around three British cities: London, Manchester, and Bath. Literary works will include: Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend; Arthur Morrison, A Child of the Jago; Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey; Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South; and shorter pieces and essays by Henry Mayhew, Charles Baudelaire, Friedrich Engels, and others.  We will also read a range of modern criticism and theory dealing with cities, urbanization, and critical geography.

Course Expectations: Students are expected to read all course materials and come to class prepared to be active participants.  You will be divided into small study groups that will meet throughout the semester to discuss reading questions (given to you in advance), and will be asked to prepare short written reports on these meetings.  You will also be invited to participate in discussion outside of class time through blog postings and/or a class Facebook page.  Together these activities with constitute your participation grade (20%).  You will also write two essays (20% each), and a final exam (40%).