ENGL 392-001
Children’s Literature
Term 1
MWF, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
“Survival Narratives in Canadian YA Fiction”
This section of English 392 will focus on a range of Canadian young adult novels from the mid-nineteenth century to the present which explore the theme of survival in a variety of guises. We will begin with Catharine Parr Traill’s classic Canadian Crusoes and then consider a range of 20th and 21st century novels, culminating in The Marrow Thieves, the award-winning 2017 work by Métis writer Cherie Dimaline. In discussions and written assignments, students will be asked to consider the extent to which social, historical and environmental factors have influenced the production of these novels, as well as whether they should be considered part of a unique Canadian literary canon. In addition to focusing on the core texts and YA fiction in general, we will engage with theoretical perspectives on the genre of Robinsonades, adventure novels, coming-of-age narratives, vampire novels, science fiction and graphic novels. Students will be encouraged to develop independent critical responses to both texts and theoretical approaches to children’s literature.
As the Faculty of Arts has determined that all BA courses will be offered online in Fall 2020, this course will include both synchronous and non-synchronous components. Students must be available to participate in live Collaborate Ultra discussions during the assigned class time, to complete timed online writing and a synchronous final examination. Non-synchronous elements will include viewing taped pp/lectures, participating in online discussions, submitting written journal entries and completing a term paper.