Post-Multicultural Writers as Neo-cosmopolitan Mediators

Anthem Press


Post-Multicultural Writers as Neo-Cosmopolitan Mediators argues the need to move beyond the monolingual paradigm within Anglophone literary studies. Using Lyotard’s concept of post as the future anterior (back to the future), this book sets up a concept of post-multiculturalism salvaging the elements within multiculturalism that have been forgotten in its contemporary denigration. Gunew attaches this discussion to debates in neo-cosmopolitanism over the last decade, creating a framework for re-evaluating post-multicultural and Indigenous writers in settler colonies such as Canada and Australia. She links these writers with transnational writers across diasporas from Eastern Europe, South-East Asia, China and India to construct a new framework for literary and cultural studies.


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About the Author

Sneja Gunew

Sneja Gunew is the author of Haunted Nations:The Colonial Dimensions of Multiculturalisms (2004). She has edited and co-edited four anthologies of Australian women’s and multicultural writings (Displacements: Migrant Storytellers; Displacements 2: Multicultural Storytellers; Beyond the Echo: Multicultural Women’s Writing; Telling Ways: Australian Women’s Experimental Writing). She is the editor of Feminist Knowledge: Critique and Construct and A Reader in Feminist Knowledge (both from Routledge, U.K.). She compiled with L.Houbein, A.Karakostas-Seda and J. Mahyuddin, A Bibliography of Australian Multicultural Writers (the first such compilation in Australia) and edited (with K.O.Longley) Striking Chords: Multicultural Literary Interpretations (1992). She has edited (with Anna Yeatman) Feminism and the Politics of Difference (1993). Her monograph Framing Marginality: Multicultural Literary Studies, which outlines a theoretical framework for analysing ethnic minority writings in Australia, appeared in 1994.

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