UBC to host the American Women Writers Reading Group

UBC is honoured to be hosting the Pacific Northwest chapter of the Society for the Study of American Women Writers’ Fall 2017 meeting on <strong>Saturday, October 21 (2017)</strong>. This workshop, organized by Dr. Mary Chapman will be devoted to a discussion of the work of Ella Rhoads Higginson (1862-1940), guided by invited scholar Dr. Laura Laffrado (Western Washington University). The first prominent literary author from the Pacific Northwest, Higginson has been largely forgotten as a key American writer. At the turn from the nineteenth century into the twentieth century,

readers across the continent were introduced to the remote Pacific Northwest region (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, and Alaska) by Higginson’s descriptions of majestic mountains, vast forests, and scenic waters, as well as her explorations of indigenous cultures and culture of the Pacific Northwest. She held the distinguished position as the first Poet Laureate of Washington State.

The event will be attended by graduate students and professors from UBC and other universities in the Pacific Northwest. See SSAWW Pacific Northwest Reading Group