Tiffany Potter
Thematic Research Area
Period/Nation Research Area
BA, University of Victoria
MA, PhD, Queen's University
Tiffany Potter works in 18th-century studies. Her arc has included federally-funded research projects on libertinism and gender in fiction and theatre; colonialist representations of indigenous women in 17th- and 18th-century North American contact and captivity narratives; and women writers in 18th-century England. She has published a monograph on Henry Fielding, and edited critical collections on Women, Popular Culture and the Eighteenth Century, and, with CW Marshall and Bloomsbury Press, award-winning volumes on Battlestar Galactica and HBO’s The Wire.
She has also created several SSHRC-funded critical editions of rare eighteenth-century texts: Robert Rogers’ 1766 play, Ponteach, or the Savages of America: A Tragedy (2010); Elizabeth Cooper’s 1735 play, The Rival Widows, or Fair Libertine (2013); and Eliza Haywood’s 1724 short novels The Masqueraders and The Surprise (UTP 2015). Classroom teaching editions with Broadview Press include Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko (2020) and The Narrative of the Life of Mrs Mary Jemison (2022, with Willow White).
As Professor of Teaching, she also specializes in the scholarship of teaching and learning, publishing Approaches to Teaching the Works of Eliza Haywood with MLA (2020). She is one of the originators of UBC’s groundbreaking English PhD Co-op program, and part of the collaborative design team behind the award-winning online learning tool ComPAIR.
She was awarded the 3M National Teaching Prize in 2020, the UBC Killam Teaching Prize in 2015, and the Fairclough Teaching Prize in 2006.
My current major project is a Broadview Press classroom edition of an 1820s novel about the often-mythologized moment of the 1620s arrival of English religious separatists at the Wampanoag territory Patuxet (later called Plymouth Colony). Seven UBC graduate students are credited assistant editors on this 2025 project: Lydia Maria Child’s Hobomok, An American Tale.
I also edit the series, “Concise Collections on Teaching Eighteenth Century Women” for ABO: Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830. The “Concise Collections” series publishes 4-6 articles on a single eighteenth-century female creative in each ABO issue (Charlotte Lennox, Margaret Cavendish, Anne Finch, Phillis Wheatley Peters, and Frances Burney so far).
Selected books, editions and edited collections
- A Narrative of the Life of Mrs Mary Jemison (1824). Classroom edition, edited with Willow White. Broadview, 2022.
- Approaches to Teaching the Works of Eliza Haywood. Modern Language Association, 2020.
- Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko (1688). Classroom edition. Broadview Press, 2020.
- Eliza Haywood’s The Masqueraders, or Fatal Curiosity and The Surprise, or, Constancy Rewarded (1724). Critical edition. U of Toronto P 2015.
- Elizabeth Cooper’s The Rival Widows, or Fair Libertine (1725). Critical edition. Ashgate 2007; rpt UTP 2014.
- Women, Popular Culture and the Eighteenth Century. UTP 2012.
- Robert Rogers’ Ponteach, or the Savages of America: A Tragedy (1766). Critical edition. UTP 2010.
- The Wire: Urban Decay and American Television. Bloomsbury 2009, edited with CW Marshall
- Cylons in America: Critical Studies in Battlestar Galactica. Bloomsbury 2008, edited with CW Marshall
- Honest Sins: Georgian Libertinism and the Plays and Novels of Henry Fielding, 1999
Selected articles and book chapters
- “Creating Teaching Editions, Teaching through Editing,” in Teaching the Eighteenth Century Now: Pedagogy as Ethical Engagement. Kate Parker and Miriam L Wallace. Bucknell UP, 2023, pp 14-28.
- “The Changing of the Joke: Teaching Restoration Libertine Sex Comedies.” Teaching Comedy. Ed. Beverly Hogue. MLA Press, 2023, pp 266-74
- “ComPAIR: A New Online Tool Using Adaptive Comparative Judgement to Support Learning with Peer Feedback.” Teaching and Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal 2 (2017).
- “Insurgency, Accidental Guerrillas and Gang Culture in The Wire” (with Tobias Sirzyk), in The Wire and America’s Dark Corners: Essays on a Post 9/11 Urban Dystopia. McFarland 2015.
- “Historicizing the Popular and the Feminine: The Rape of the Lock and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies,” in Women, Popular Culture and the Eighteenth Century. Ed. Tiffany Potter. UTP, 2012.
- “Thinking Inside the Box: A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of Television Studies” (with CW Marshall), in From Text to Txting: New Media in the Classroom. Indiana UP, 2012.
- “‘I am the American Dream’: Modern Urban Tragedy and the Borders of Fiction” (with CW Marshall), in The Wire: Urban Decay and American Television. Bloomsbury, 2009.
- “Circular Taxonomies: Regulating European and American Women through Representations of North American Indian Women.” Early American Literature (2006).
- “Reciprocal Regulation: Trans-Atlantic Implications of Colonial Accounts of North American Indian Women and Menstruation.” British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies (2006).
- Writing Indigenous Femininity: Mary Rowlandson’s 1682 Narrative of Captivity.” Eighteenth- Century Studies (Winter 2003).
Additional Description
I teach primarily in eighteenth-century studies, including courses on theatre; cultures of libertinism; gender and indigeneity; and popular culture and adaptation studies. I also teach first-year English most years, which is always a great experience. See the “Courses” tab for what I am teaching this year.