Miranda Burgess

Associate Professor
phone 604 822 5549

BA, University of Victoria
MA, PhD, Boston University


I specialize in British and Irish Romantic-period writing (i.e. writing from the period 1780-1840) and in the history and theory of feeling, mobility, media/mediation, and literary form. My first book, British Fiction and the Production of Social Order, 1740-1830, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2000 and considered the way genre and genre change mediated emergent theories of social cohesion and, ultimately-nation-ness. My most recent series of articles investigates intersections of mobility, mediation, and figuration in Wordsworth, Owenson, and Mary Shelley. A book in progress, Romantic Transport, 1790-1830, considers the figuration of being with others in the contexts of global mobility and coloniality. My next projects are on the category of “raw materials” in imperial media ecologies, 1780-1870; and on the uses of Romantic poetry and poetics in settler-colonial placemaking in the Pacific Northwest. I am a recipient of the UBC Killam Research Prize (2001) and the UBC Killam Teaching Prize (2022), and, with Thora Brylowe of the University of Colorado at Boulder, I won the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism’s Pedagogy Prize in 2017 for a media history course co-designed and co-taught between the U of Colorado and UBC.



Areas of Research Interest:

Book History & Textual Studies

Media Studies

Poetry and Poetics


Science & Technology Studies


Selected Publications:

“Jane Austen on Paper.” European Romantic Review. Forthcoming.

“Sydney Owenson’s Strange Phenomenality.” In Yoon Sun Lee, ed, The Prose of Romanticism, Romantic Circles Praxis. 5774 words ms. February 2017. http://www.rc.umd.edu/praxis/prose

“Secret History in the Romantic Period.” In Rebecca Bullard and Rachel K. Carnell, eds., The Secret History in Literature, 1660-1820. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. 188-201.

“How Wordsworth tells: Numeration, Valuation, and Dwelling in ‘We Are Seven.’” In Paul Youngquist, Jeffrey Cox, and Jill Heydt-Stevenson, eds. Secure Sites: Empire and the Emergence of Security. ELN 54.1 (2016): 39-52.

“Sydney Owenson’s Tropics.” European Romantic Review 26, 3 (2015): 281-288.

“Transporting Frankenstein: Mary Shelley’s Mobile Figures.” European Romantic Review 25 (2014): 247-265.

“Frankenstein’s Transport: Modernity, Mobility, and the Science of Feeling.” In Evan Gottlieb, ed., Global Romanticism: Origins, Orientations, and Engagements, 1760-1820. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2014. 127-148.

“On Being Moved: Sympathy, Mobility, and Narrative Form.” Poetics Today 32 (2011): 289-320.

“Transport: Mobility, Anxiety, and the Romantic Poetics of Feeling.” Studies in Romanticism 49 (2010): 229-260.

“Nation, Book, Medium: New Technologies and their Genres.” In Janet Giltrow and Dieter Stein, eds. Genre Theory and Internet. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2009. 193-219.


Additional Description

http://mirandaburgess.com/BuTo 512I teach courses on Romanticism that emphasize its incipiently global character and its mobile, maritime, riparian, and island networks and courses that take a workshop approach to media history (with students exploring a variety of early print media as practitioners as well as readers, scholars, and critics.) At the graduate level, I have been interested most recently in exploring the history of sensation in philosophy and poetics with seminar participants.

Miranda Burgess

Associate Professor
phone 604 822 5549

BA, University of Victoria
MA, PhD, Boston University


I specialize in British and Irish Romantic-period writing (i.e. writing from the period 1780-1840) and in the history and theory of feeling, mobility, media/mediation, and literary form. My first book, British Fiction and the Production of Social Order, 1740-1830, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2000 and considered the way genre and genre change mediated emergent theories of social cohesion and, ultimately-nation-ness. My most recent series of articles investigates intersections of mobility, mediation, and figuration in Wordsworth, Owenson, and Mary Shelley. A book in progress, Romantic Transport, 1790-1830, considers the figuration of being with others in the contexts of global mobility and coloniality. My next projects are on the category of “raw materials” in imperial media ecologies, 1780-1870; and on the uses of Romantic poetry and poetics in settler-colonial placemaking in the Pacific Northwest. I am a recipient of the UBC Killam Research Prize (2001) and the UBC Killam Teaching Prize (2022), and, with Thora Brylowe of the University of Colorado at Boulder, I won the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism’s Pedagogy Prize in 2017 for a media history course co-designed and co-taught between the U of Colorado and UBC.



Areas of Research Interest:

Book History & Textual Studies

Media Studies

Poetry and Poetics


Science & Technology Studies


Selected Publications:

“Jane Austen on Paper.” European Romantic Review. Forthcoming.

“Sydney Owenson’s Strange Phenomenality.” In Yoon Sun Lee, ed, The Prose of Romanticism, Romantic Circles Praxis. 5774 words ms. February 2017. http://www.rc.umd.edu/praxis/prose

“Secret History in the Romantic Period.” In Rebecca Bullard and Rachel K. Carnell, eds., The Secret History in Literature, 1660-1820. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. 188-201.

“How Wordsworth tells: Numeration, Valuation, and Dwelling in ‘We Are Seven.’” In Paul Youngquist, Jeffrey Cox, and Jill Heydt-Stevenson, eds. Secure Sites: Empire and the Emergence of Security. ELN 54.1 (2016): 39-52.

“Sydney Owenson’s Tropics.” European Romantic Review 26, 3 (2015): 281-288.

“Transporting Frankenstein: Mary Shelley’s Mobile Figures.” European Romantic Review 25 (2014): 247-265.

“Frankenstein’s Transport: Modernity, Mobility, and the Science of Feeling.” In Evan Gottlieb, ed., Global Romanticism: Origins, Orientations, and Engagements, 1760-1820. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2014. 127-148.

“On Being Moved: Sympathy, Mobility, and Narrative Form.” Poetics Today 32 (2011): 289-320.

“Transport: Mobility, Anxiety, and the Romantic Poetics of Feeling.” Studies in Romanticism 49 (2010): 229-260.

“Nation, Book, Medium: New Technologies and their Genres.” In Janet Giltrow and Dieter Stein, eds. Genre Theory and Internet. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2009. 193-219.


Additional Description

http://mirandaburgess.com/BuTo 512I teach courses on Romanticism that emphasize its incipiently global character and its mobile, maritime, riparian, and island networks and courses that take a workshop approach to media history (with students exploring a variety of early print media as practitioners as well as readers, scholars, and critics.) At the graduate level, I have been interested most recently in exploring the history of sensation in philosophy and poetics with seminar participants.

Miranda Burgess

Associate Professor
phone 604 822 5549

BA, University of Victoria
MA, PhD, Boston University

About keyboard_arrow_down

I specialize in British and Irish Romantic-period writing (i.e. writing from the period 1780-1840) and in the history and theory of feeling, mobility, media/mediation, and literary form. My first book, British Fiction and the Production of Social Order, 1740-1830, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2000 and considered the way genre and genre change mediated emergent theories of social cohesion and, ultimately-nation-ness. My most recent series of articles investigates intersections of mobility, mediation, and figuration in Wordsworth, Owenson, and Mary Shelley. A book in progress, Romantic Transport, 1790-1830, considers the figuration of being with others in the contexts of global mobility and coloniality. My next projects are on the category of “raw materials” in imperial media ecologies, 1780-1870; and on the uses of Romantic poetry and poetics in settler-colonial placemaking in the Pacific Northwest. I am a recipient of the UBC Killam Research Prize (2001) and the UBC Killam Teaching Prize (2022), and, with Thora Brylowe of the University of Colorado at Boulder, I won the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism’s Pedagogy Prize in 2017 for a media history course co-designed and co-taught between the U of Colorado and UBC.

Teaching keyboard_arrow_down
Research keyboard_arrow_down

Areas of Research Interest:

Book History & Textual Studies

Media Studies

Poetry and Poetics


Science & Technology Studies

Publications keyboard_arrow_down

Selected Publications:

“Jane Austen on Paper.” European Romantic Review. Forthcoming.

“Sydney Owenson’s Strange Phenomenality.” In Yoon Sun Lee, ed, The Prose of Romanticism, Romantic Circles Praxis. 5774 words ms. February 2017. http://www.rc.umd.edu/praxis/prose

“Secret History in the Romantic Period.” In Rebecca Bullard and Rachel K. Carnell, eds., The Secret History in Literature, 1660-1820. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. 188-201.

“How Wordsworth tells: Numeration, Valuation, and Dwelling in ‘We Are Seven.’” In Paul Youngquist, Jeffrey Cox, and Jill Heydt-Stevenson, eds. Secure Sites: Empire and the Emergence of Security. ELN 54.1 (2016): 39-52.

“Sydney Owenson’s Tropics.” European Romantic Review 26, 3 (2015): 281-288.

“Transporting Frankenstein: Mary Shelley’s Mobile Figures.” European Romantic Review 25 (2014): 247-265.

“Frankenstein’s Transport: Modernity, Mobility, and the Science of Feeling.” In Evan Gottlieb, ed., Global Romanticism: Origins, Orientations, and Engagements, 1760-1820. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2014. 127-148.

“On Being Moved: Sympathy, Mobility, and Narrative Form.” Poetics Today 32 (2011): 289-320.

“Transport: Mobility, Anxiety, and the Romantic Poetics of Feeling.” Studies in Romanticism 49 (2010): 229-260.

“Nation, Book, Medium: New Technologies and their Genres.” In Janet Giltrow and Dieter Stein, eds. Genre Theory and Internet. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2009. 193-219.


Additional Description keyboard_arrow_down

http://mirandaburgess.com/BuTo 512I teach courses on Romanticism that emphasize its incipiently global character and its mobile, maritime, riparian, and island networks and courses that take a workshop approach to media history (with students exploring a variety of early print media as practitioners as well as readers, scholars, and critics.) At the graduate level, I have been interested most recently in exploring the history of sensation in philosophy and poetics with seminar participants.